Some Feelings Never Die

Jayesh Thani
2 min readApr 7, 2021


“When The Heart Bleeds,
The Soul Cries”

If I could, I would just walk away like nothing ever happened.

It’s not that easy however, when you are always on my mind, when I wait for your notification to pop up on my phone.

You could be the same way, with someone else and I wouldn’t know.

It hurts, like something’s stabbing my heart, but I try to let it go, or hide it
Why? Because I know you would feel bad for me, and you’d try to change. But that’s not the point.

The point is that I would just like you to pay attention to me once in a while, like I mean something to you.

I have opened up to you, I’ve been honest with you, but you seem to keep holding something back.

I don’t want you to hold anything back from me, because that makes me think that, I did something wrong.

Every time I try to get over these feelings, your notification pops up on my phone, and those feelings flood back into me like they had never left.

It’s hard to deal with, but let me just tell you one thing, if you were ever to feel the same, be careful.

I’m a mess, that people have tried their hardest to fix,
but never succeeded.



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